Which tincture to take? Which perfume to wear?

  • What are you wanting to embody? - Learn about the archetypes and anchor your exploration of archetypal energies with the sacred resonance of the flower essences of Medicine Plants.
  • What are you feeling that you want more of and want to work with? - Be reminded to be present with specific energies during the day by taking your tinctures or wearing your perfumes.
  • What are you seeking connection to accessing deeper inner resources to? - Use intention setting with the same scents and substances to create associations.
  • With these questions as inspiration, what intention do you want to set when using our products?
  • Which perfume’s scent are you drawn to?
  • Which polarities would you and your partner like to explore?
  • If you have purchased our audio programs and are choosing to work within a specific area of your archetypal psyche - it can be useful to anchor these upgrades/mental shifts with a physical products use - this can reinforce the grooves you have been intentionally choosing


When to Take/Wear Them?

  • Before you go out for your day - Activating your Soul can be a daily practice of integrating archetypes, and whether you are walking, picnicking, or dancing with yourself, nature, or others, our products may assist you.
  • Before you see your family - It can be of support to intentionally tap into an archetypal energy you have visualized, felt in your body and that you have a heart connection to. Choose an archetypal energy that will hold you and allow your constellations to thrive, in which process our products may assist you - especially if you have anchored states through repeating our clearing statements and affirmations with feeling.
  • Before you see clients - Our products may empower you, by reminding you of aspects of your own power and help you to empower others - Co-empowerment.
  • Before a party - Whatever energy you choose to magnify in your playful explorations, our products may assist you, by reminding you of your own power.
  • Before a date - Whether you want to accentuate your strengths or balance out your full spectrum before a date, you may choose to remind yourself of attractive parts of your personality and call upon your soul to use these as tools (entering the flow and making aligned decisions with a soulful vibe), our products may assist you with setting intentions.
  • Before bed and meditation - Our products may influence your dreaming and visions - intention setting before bed is powerful for dreaming and we encourage you to use our products to inspire you. 
  • Before a Tantric Temple Night - Our products may influence your heartfelt intention in a group field as you call to power cosmological aspects within all of us.
  • Before making love to yourself or with a lover - This can be playful and this can also be for healing, invoking, and evoking, and our products may enhance your enjoyment and manifestation journey (we are creating manifestation courses to help refine your process of co-creating with the divine).


How Much Tincture?

  • They are homeopathic and such follow a less is more principle
  • Can start on 2–4  drops of the flower essence/archetypal tinctures to start and explore to having more or less, up to a full squirt. Can also be taken a few drops several times in a day
  • Divinate (muscle test, pendulum, your own method, let yourself go to the cosmic current, listen, feel, know, and allow your inner compass of shamanic feeling to decide)