About Us
Evolve With Archetypal Rituals And Scents
Hieros Gamos, is an Ancient Greek term meaning sacred marriage and inner union. We share methods and tools inviting you to harmonise the Masculine, Feminine, Light, Dark and Shadow within you. Let’s uncover your soul and align you with your true self. Thus enabling you to live from the zero point field, the void.
In this lifetime there are many points that can be identified as the “beginning” of Hieros Gamos Alchemy. Marc’s journey began in his youth, researching archetypes, relationships and ritual from his pre-teen age years. He continued by exploring herbalism and perfume mixing from his mid-twenties. Further evolving while attending mystery schools and tantric containers from his late-twenties. This self-journey culminated in the creation of HGA and now continues through our joined exploration.
Balancing polarities collapses paradoxes. To do so within ourselves, allows for us to drop attachments and integrate shadows on either side of a polarity. Freeing up energy in this way helps us be more in the present moment, attentive and authentic, responding with clean expression.
Hieros Gamos Alchemy’s mission is to facilitate balance within the quadrality of Light Masculine, Light Feminine, Dark Masculine and Dark Feminine energies that exist within us all. This allows greater manifestation in our outer worlds and is made possible with your unified efforts using our Master Plant flower essence infused products and lessons on ritual.
Balancing these archetypes frees up energy to live authentically with presence. Equalising quadralities has been a medicine from the Mayan’s and possibly beforehand. An example of an Ancient Mayan quadrality busting statement that you can say out loud to explore your mind balancing is: I am alive and dead, whilst I am neither alive nor dead.
Marc and Hieros Gamos Alchemy like modern day Essenes, encourage the synthesising of all cultures valuable spiritual technologies for ascension and grounding purposes, to grow in all directions within and outsides of ourselves, harmonising in unity whilst retaining our uniqueness.

Our Logo
Western Alchemical Symbols Combined
Marc’s surname Calokerinos in Greek means Summertime and the HGA logo is a blend of Ancient Greek alchemical symbolism to balance Masculine, Feminine, Light and Dark within his family line across all time:
The snakes climbing upwards are important symbols associated with Asclepios, the Ancient Greek God of Medicine. This gods snake sceptre was believed to cure a patient by touch alone, and snakes were associated with pharmacology - possessing the antivenom against their own poison. The snakes also represent Ida and Pingala the masculine and feminine nadis (energy channels within Indian medicine ad spiritual theory).
The bottom pot shape of the HGA logo represents Summer in Western Alchemical traditions, symbolising a time of growth and increased connection to light.
Further Ancient Greek symbology is represented within the logo; three types of time were recognised in Ancient Greece: Chronos Time; Chronological time (not represented in the logo), Kairos time; Seasonal/Cyclical time (this is the central symbol similar to the Astrological symbol for Uranus), and Aion time; non-linear time / quantum all pervading time (the top trident symbol of the logo).
The wings symbolise the light and the upper chakras (energy centres), while the bottom of the snakes represent the dark and lower chakras. Dragons are integrated beings, embodying balance between dark, light, masculine and feminine - the centre of our logo is the heart and this energy centre creates harmony between all aspects of the self and our environments.