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Light Divine Feminine fairy archetype holding a divine feminine natural perfume in ritual

Welcome to the demystifying realm of Hieros Gamos Alchemy

Explore ritual with perfumes and tinctures! A shamanic and esoteric experience to transmute shadows and embody your soul's expression through the alchemy of transformation.

all natural



small batch

Experience Magick

Dark divine feminine archetype represented by woman in spinning fire on molten lava

with Perfumes & Tinctures

Group of divine feminine and divine masculine in ritual, bowing to a flower mandala

Natural vs Synthetic Perfume

Learn about the health benefits and

environmental advantages of choosing

natural over synthetic products

Our Story

Where the ethereal becomes grounded through everyday rites. Our Master Alchemist Marc, weaves flower essences and essential oils into Archetypal Tinctures and Perfumes, each a key to unlocking your inner union through everyday and ritual use.

Scents of Change

group of divine masculine and divine feminine holding up there hands in ritual, sitting around a flower mandala altar

Unlock Archetypal Wisdom

Transform your life through the power of universal storylines, shifting related behaviours known as shadows to live authentically. Learn about archetypes and changing habits.

Locally Made in
Byron Bay Shire

Our products are hand-mixed and poured with loving intention, as our Alchemists sing, dance, and chant to infuse them with each archetypal energy. Formulated in the Northern Rivers of

New South Wales, Australia, each fragrance is crafted and packaged by our small, dedicated team of ritualists, ensuring every bottle harnesses potent, heartfuelled and supportive lifeforce.

Mystical Tinctures

Group of divine feminine goddesses in ritual, holding bottles of divine feminine natural perfume soaking up the sun in ritual

Selecting your

The potency of perfumes in ritual: How and when to use our products in your daily practices

Which Archetype to Work With

There are many ways to choose which archetype to work with. You may choose a perfume with the smell you prefer and an archetype that supports the expression you are looking to accentuate in a specific environment. Take one of our quizzes to determine which archetype you are most aligned with and which you are experiencing the most shadow within today. Both are great options when choosing an energy to work with.

Uncover Your Dominant Archetypal Energy
Discover your archetype experiencing the most Shadow
Group shot of people worshipping the divine masculine and divine feminine and their dark archetype offering dark feminine and dark masculine natural perfumes as offerings


What do masculine, feminine, light and dark archetypes represent and how do we healthily express each in our gender-free culture?

Group shot of divine feminine and divine masculine in their light archetypal expression, holding natural perfume bottles of the light feminine perfume and light masculine perfume
Hieros Gamos Alchemy graphic Logo

Where Ancient Wisdom & Modern Magick Converge

Dark Feminine & dark Masculine natural perfume bottles


Dark Masculine and Light Masculine,
Dark Feminine and Light Feminine.
Learn specifics for each archetypal expression.

light Feminine & light Masculine natural perfume bottles
Group shot of the dark divine masculine archetype of warriors, emperors and magicians with the dark masculine natural perfume bottle



Welcome, seeker of wisdom, to The Alchemist's Scroll, where ancient secrets and modern mysteries intertwine in an enchanting dance. Here, within these digital parchment pages, you'll discover a realm where the arcane meets the everyday, and where the alchemical art of transformation beckons you to embark on a journey of self-discovery.


With each entry, we delve into the esoteric, explore the unseen, and awaken the magic that resides within using magick. Unfurl your curiosity, for the Scroll is but a portal to the wonders that await those with the heart of an alchemist.

divine feminine archetype fairy, holding a bottle of light feminine natural perfume in ritual



divine masculine archetype warrior, holding a bottle of light masculine natural perfume in ritual
ritual of divine feminine and divine masculine in ritual with the masculine spraying the feminine with dark feminine natural perfume
Dark divine feminine in black fur coat



Bottle of dark feminine natural perfume in flames
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